Posts Tagged ‘blogging’


Asking For Help From The Universal Manager

January 25, 2010

So I have this blog here.  I started writing it as a way to keep me on track when I embarked on my grand feel good experiment.  I was going to journal my way through it anyway, so why not do it online?

Of course, as soon as I started the blog, I began to wish I had actual readers for my blog.  Bless a new friend, a wonderful, upbeat woman who is a client of mine (I do writing coaching part time).  She started reading the blog regularly and even takes the time to comment.   And until today, I’d neglected to comment on her blog, mea culpa.  She takes great photos of New York.    

So I started getting the itch to go looking for readers of the blog.  Uh oh.  This feels like internet marketing or book promotion.  Been there, done that.

Abraham offers a bunch of what they call “processes” to help you find alignment with your nonphysical self (and thereby bring to you the experiences and things and feelings you want).  One of the processes is called the placemat process.  In this process, you make two columns on a piece of paper.  On the left hand side, write down all the things you’re absolutely going to do today.  On the right side, write down the things you’d like to have the universe take care of for you.  The idea of this process is to get you to remember all the help that the law of attraction has to offer.  By focusing only on the things you KNOW you can get done, you stay out of overwhelm and other bad feelings (which indicate a lack of alignment with your nonphysical self).

So as of now, promoting this blog goes on the right side of my lists.  If it’s meant to be that people find this blog, they’ll find it.  Actively trying to drive traffic to a site does NOT make me feel good.  I’ll comment on other blogs when I feel like it; I’m not going to turn into a blog whore, using comments to solicit traffic from another site.

Maybe the few people who read the blog will tell friends about it, who will tell friends, who will tell friends … if it’s meant to be.  Isn’t that how the common cold starts?  🙂  It sure seems to get around okay.