Archive for January 26th, 2010


Law of Attraction Manages Thought

January 26, 2010

We think of law of attraction as being something that brings things or experiences to us.  But the law of attraction brings thoughts to us too.  Like vibration attracts like vibration.  So if you’re thinking an angry thought, that vibration will bring you more angry thoughts.

This is how we think ourselves into a tizzy.  Ever noticed how you get angry at someone you love for some little thing and suddenly all the anger you’ve ever had about them has bubbled up?  Thank the law of attraction for that.

Noticing the thoughts coming to you can tell you what kind of alignment you have going.  Having trouble finding happy thoughts?  You’re not in alignment.  You’re thinking thoughts that will bring you things you don’t want.

When you’re thinking happy thoughts, you’re thinking about things that are in vibrational alignment with things you want, which means good things are coming.

I’ve spent the majority of my life with a mind full of thoughts that vary from feel bad thoughts to feel neutral thoughts.  Yes, of course, I’ve had a lot of feel good thoughts, but the balance of my thought has been lousy.  I used to struggle mightily with depression—which, though the medical community and most people would disagree with me, I’ve come to believe is, to a great extent, a choice.  I was under psychiatric care and took medication for bipolar disorder for six years a decade ago.  I thought the depression was out of my control.  I’ve learned since then that it’s just the law of attraction in action.  Fall into a depressive thought pattern and more and more such thoughts will come to you; pretty soon, you’ll be so out of alignment with nonphysical you that you’ll be completely depleted of energy and in total despair.

Most people in my current financial and obese-body circumstances would feel depressed.  And I DID feel depressed a couple weeks ago.  Now, I don’t.  I didn’t take a pill or see a counselor.  I deliberately started choosing thoughts that made me feel good.

It was tough at first—like finding the one ingredient you like in a stew pot mostly filled with ingredients you hate.  But now that I’ve been doing it for a week, it’s getting pretty easy.  I’m finding so many things to appreciate.

I haven’t experienced any grand manifestations of things or experiences (big ones) since I started my feel good experiment, but I have been noticing that more feel good thoughts are coming my way.  And I’m noticing more feel good things too.

My parents gave me a gift subscription to Reader’s Digest. Except for the jokes, Reader’s Digest could be called Negative Digest. The magazine is full of dire warnings, complaints, advice on how to AVOID things, and stories of injury and pain.

I’d almost decided to toss the next issue I got, but this time, I decided to check it out.  And guess what the law of attraction brought me?

An article about a family who set up a program that throws birthday parties for homeless children.

Now that’s a feel good thought!

The more I appreciate, the more law of attraction is bringing me things to appreciate.